120 gr. butter (in room temperature)
1 tablespoon sugar
2 pinches salt
1 cup water
1 cup and 2 tablespoons flour
2 eggs
1 egg white
oil for frying
For the overlay:
cinnamon and sugar
or colored icing
Put the flour and mix with a spatula or wooden spoon for half a minute continuous and intensive. Continue until the flour is completely dissolved in the liquid.
Continue mixing for the next 3-4' on low heat until the mixture is dry. When a thin layer of dough formed at the base of the casserole, the dough will be ready.
Put the dough in the bowl of the mixer and with the mixing tool work the dough for 2-3΄ until it is ready.
Turn up the mixer and add 1 egg. Mix until it disappears completely into the dough. Put and mix the next egg until it disappears, then add the egg white. Mix for a while until the dough is completely homogenized and becomes smooth.
The dough for the cruller must be very elastic. If it looks dry you may need to add a little of egg to make it very elastic. Check the dough by holding it with both fingers. When we remove the fingers from the dough, a dough string should be formed.
Put the dough with a spatula to an icing bag.
Cut non-stick paper into 10 cm square pieces.
On cut non-stick square papers we form round donuts with a diameter of 6-7 cm.
Heat plenty of oil in a large saucepan.
Once the oil is warm, when we put the crullers with the non-stick with a spoon in the warm oil immediately they come off. Pull the papers and fry for 5-6΄, turning them intensive until they change color.
After they change color and be fluffy, they are ready.
How to serve crullers:
When they are hot, wrap them with cinnamon sugar or alternatively make colored icing and dip them on one side like donuts.
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